We helps users make sure all of their favorite friends and family members receive birthday cards on their birthday
"Ever since my friends and family stopped using Facebook, I’ve stopped sending birthday messages to most of my friends, including people who I was best friends with in the past, because I don’t remember when their birthdays are or I get busy in my life. As a result, I now feel less connected to my friends than I used to. Also, in the past on my birthday, I used to receive one hundred happy birthday HBD messages on my Facebook wall but now I don’t get that anymore. This makes me feel not as appreciated or remembered by my friends. I wish we could go back to those times where every 5 minutes I would receive a notification on my phone that someone sent me a birthday wish. That felt amazing,” said Sonia Gupta, a 44 year old parent in Amritsar, India.
BirthdayApp helps you solve this problem by keeping track of all your friends birthdays in one calendar, sending reminders to you when a birthday is coming up, and letting you create cards in advance that will automatically be sent to your friends on their birthday. No more worries about missing important birthdays. You will also soon be able to import contacts and birthdays from your Facebook, Google/Android, or Yahoo account to make the process as simple and easy for you, and then get started preparing cards for them in advance.
Every one wants to feel special and pampered on their birthday. Some of our close friends remember us, but most seem to forget our birthdays. Let’s solve this problem by making sure every important person in your life gets a birthday card from us!
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It's been wonderful working with the best team members to help spread joy around the world!
Gautam Ghosh